Why you do not need to wait while ReclaiMe File Recovery completes the scan?

When ReclaiMe File Recovery scans the storage device it tries to optimize the process so that filesystem records about location of user files are processed first.

There is an indicator located at the bottom of the software window which shows a number of files restored to this moment. Typically, once you click Start you see that a value of this indicator increases rapidly and then (after about couple of minutes or after 1-2% scanning) it stops growing. If the damage is minor, at this moment it is considered that all user data is already recovered and you can begin to save data.

Number of files indicator in ReclaiMe File Recovery

If you do not pause the scan at this moment, the following outcomes are possible:

  • ReclaiMe File Recovery may encounter a disk image file stored on the disk. This leads to overwriting the parameters of original filesystem by the parameters of image file since from the File Recovery point of view this image file contains a valid filesystem as well. Since there is no way to detect which of these filesystems you want, the tool gives preference to the last one found, that spoils the result of recovery.
  • If there are no disk image files on the disk, ReclaiMe File Recovery brings some system files, scraps of previously existed filesystems, in a word, rubbish.

Thus, with a lightly damaged filesystem, it does not make sense to wait until the scan is completed. Sometimes it can be even counterproductive, as for example with disk image files stored on the disk you need to recover data from.

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